Here's How to Future-Proof You and Your Work Right Now

Image source: Pixabay Can you see into the future?  The Millennial mind-set is disrupting the traditional work place.  Firmly held ideas about where, how and why we work are being shaken to the core. After the Millennials have finished running amok, the robots will take over what is left your job.  Is this an exaggeration? Will artificial intelligence take over the human race like in The Terminator movie franchise?Has this already happened and we are all plugged into The Matrix?I am sure you have read and heard all sorts of scary sky-is-falling stories. What do you want to do?

Do You Want to Thrive and Succeed in the Future?

Here is What You Need to Do.The gurus and futurists are making their predictions about the future of work. But when it comes to future-proofing you and your work there are the only 2 things that work for everyone.

  1. Keep your mind open to new ideas and ways of thinking.
  2. Be willing AND able to pivot. That means changing what you do and how you do it.

What you finally THINK and DO is a matter of personal choice and entirely up to you.I can’t see into the future. I know it is important keep up with future trends and developments.  Don't limit yourself to changes in the world of work because everything is connected.  Follow seemingly unconnected idea threads from other disciplines and join the dots.  You will be amazed where cross-discipline adventuring will lead you.  That aha! or solution or new combination idea is waiting for someone to find them.  It could be you.We all know change is constant but it feels like change moves at super speed these days. This change is being felt in every industry, and none more so than in the hospitality and tourism sector, particularly in the Caribbean.Last week I attended and had the honour of speaking at the 3 day Caribbean Tourism Organization – Tourism HR Conference 2016. The theme centred on excellence as a habit to drive service, loyalty and profitability in the Caribbean tourism experience.I could barely keep up with the value-bombs being dropped by the speakers and delegates at the conference.Now whilst the conference focused on the Caribbean, the lessons, brainpokes, reminders and tips transcend location and industry.From the blizzard of notes on my desk, here are 10 brainpokes and habits to help you be ready for the future.Oh and by the way, there is no time to lose.  The future is NOW! Here are some of the nuggets that I shared and some I heard.

10 Smart Work Habits for a Bright Future No Matter What

1. Talent alone is not enough. The future will belong to ordinary people doing extraordinary work. The organisations that will thrive will be the ones which create the environment where their employees are free to apply their hearts and minds to create remarkable work.2. It’s not about being better than your colleagues; but rather doing different. It’s about being willing to stand out and to do more than the minimum that is expected every day.3. Take Vitamin C every day: Be curious, be creative, be courageous and care. This handy acronym from speaker, Ian Blanchard (Managing Director/Coach CILC Action) hits home. C.A.R.E = Clarity, Accountability, Reflection, Execution.4. Take every opportunity to make a positive contribution and to do work that matters. Don’t hide behind busy work. You do yourself and your community an injustice.5. What self-portrait are you painting?  “Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it.” Glenda Medford, (Keynote speaker and Managing Director of Gemford Consultancy Services Inc..6. Don’t get comfortable - ever! That’s a surefire way to stop yourself from being remarkable. Every day learn new things and unlearn things that don’t add value or serve any purpose.Knowledge and skills are important. The real value is in the quality of your relationships in good times but particularly when things go wrong. When handling tough interactions (e.g. customer complaints, employee grievances) use this to guide you. L.E.A.R.N – Listen, Empathy, Apologize, Resolve, Never Again - via master class speaker André Bello, Commercial Manager, Virgin Atlantic – Caribbean.7. Be missed if you were not at work – in a good way.8. Always look for opportunities to be remarkable. Every day ask, who will I help? What problem can I find and help solve? What human connection can I make? Then ACT!9. Do NOTHING! Yes, do nothing. Sometimes you need to unplug and take a break from your jam-packed schedules full of “productive” and “important” activities.Can you be still and idle for 2 minutes without twitching or flicking your attention? Take the test here.Thanks for this one André Bello. My first attempt was awful! How did you get on?Could it be that “we are terrified of silence, of nothing on the agenda — who are we without these things to hold us up, to give us significance? [..] The essence of simplifying your life is recognizing you have intrinsic value by simply being.” For more servings of inspiration, read How a “Do Nothing” Day Changed My Life by Hilary Barnett.Learning how to do nothing might be the most vital skill for thriving in our frenetic, overwhelmed, always-connected culture. Make a non-negotiable “Do Nothing Day” a regular part of your life.10. Lift as you climb! Share your time, knowledge and skill generously. That’s how you build a legacy for the future.The future may be uncertain but this is definite. If you want to thrive and succeed in the future, you must be willing to shift your thinking and change your behaviour.Where do you start?What about here?

“Imagine immensities. Don’t compromise and don’t waste time. In order to strive for a remarkable life, you have to decide that you want one. Start now. Not twenty years from now. Not thirty years from now. Not two weeks from now. Now.”

Artist, author, and Design Matters host Debbie Millman’s 2013 San Jose State University commencement address via Brainpickings.Where it will all end, I can’t say for sure; although my money is on these 10 mind-sets, behaviours and habits to ride out these scary yet thrilling times.  Hold on to your knickers, it is going to be one heck of a ride.Exciting times are ahead for the remarkable!Try at least 1 of these future-proof tips consistently for a period of time; or add your own.  The important thing is to do something.Tell me:What mind-sets and behaviours have you adopted to future-proof you and your work?Which ones would you recommend?How do you see your future? I hope it is very bright.Let me know in the comments!

Until we meet again down the HR Rabbit Hole…