1 Unexpected Way AI Can Help HR To Be More Human and Remarkable

Image source: Pixabay

Image source: Pixabay

Hey HR pro…

Ever feel that you could contribute more value? If only you had less distractions you would, naturally.

Ever wish that you could design creative and engaging recruitment, training or employee recognition material? If only you had more time, of course.

Ever dream about making a real difference? If only you had the some peace to think and mind space to ideate, obviously.

What if all this were made possible? Imagine arriving to work as usual. But this time you discover that 80% of your dull process tasks had vanished. You suddenly find yourself free from the ball and chain of time-suck busy work.

An HR nirvana in a distant future.

Pure wishful thinking.

Think again! That future is here and NOW; ushered in by the expanding role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HR. Fancy being free, at last, to make a positive impact.

This week’s post is our 2nd dive down that rabbit hole.It can be read as a stand-alone piece. But you will get more value if you pop over my review of Greg Roche’s brainpoke article Why AI is the Future of HR, guest posted in The HR Underground X blog. Read it here.

Roche serves the hard truth, straight no chaser. It is too late. You cannot stop the AI – technology juggernaut barreling through the HR profession. AI is already working in HR, efficiently gobbling up basic transactional tasks and taking over common HR administrative roles.But don’t worry.

You are not alone: Most HR worry about AI

Image source: Pixabay

Image source: Pixabay

AI in HR is here to stay. Here’s more.With the increasing presence of AI in HR you are faced with a predicament. No, you have a choice.

Perish or pivot.I know what I choose.The future is now. No disputing this, right? AI is HR’s wake-up call. The revolution is here. Being human or solely relying on your humanness as your unique value proposition (UVP) is not enough to save you or your area of expertise from becoming surplus to requirement.

Now for some good news. Roche shared 5 options-opportunities available to savvy HR practitioners to survive the AI peril and thrive. Read about your 5 options in full here. Pick one that suits you. Don’t dilly-dally.I choose this one.

One Unexpected Way AI Can Boost HR's Unique Value

I have decided to step aside.

Stepping Aside means leaving the machines to do what they do best, and picking a career requiring skills such as creativity or empathy”.

But it is not enough to simply step aside. You must chose to take action and develop a mental practice.Roche et al have identified creativity and empathy as 2 remarkably human super skills. And perhaps in the context of the advance of AI – superhuman skills.

Super skills are a mind-set to be adopted and a behaviour to be practised every day. This is how they become your superhuman skill.They are the qualities that, when actively practiced, have the power to improve the lives of those you show them to, make you a better human being, more fulfilled and improve the community (organisation etc.) to which you belong. In a nutshell, you contribute value and remain relevant.

How AI Can Boost Your Unique Human Value

Brainpoke alert!

“... it’s not the machines that are taking over. It’s that they’re helping us to be more human, helping us to connect with each other“. Amber Case, Cyborg Anthropologist in her TED Talk.

After her 7 minutes and 53 seconds talk you may think a little differently about what it means to be human today.

Technology helping us to increase our connective capacity as human beings.What are the other human traits, mind-sets and skills needed to:-

  • Remain relevant?

  • Be remarkable?

  • Thrive?

What are superhuman skills needed for deeper and more meaningful connection?I have started out on a journey to discover and classify other super skills.In my last post, I promised to share my findings (so far).Here is an overview of my top pick of 7 Superhuman Skills That Will Secure Your Value in an AI World.

1.Empathy“What would happen if no empathy existed? We’d lose our ability to understand other people’s thoughts and feelings. We’d be unable to engage with other human beings.The world would become a cold-hearted place”. Henneke Duistermaat, Enchanting Marketing.

2. Kindness is empathy in action. It is a key ingredient in creating a great work culture. Give what you wish to receive. In the business context; give your employees what you want them to give to your customers.

3. Gratitude. When Kindness is encouraged and allowed to flourish, gratitude takes root. Gratitude is the antidote to selfishness and entitlement that can cause an organisation’s culture to rot from the inside out.Here’s what to do to stop the rot before it sets in. Celebrate meaningful contribution towards achieving goals. Recognise the value of individuals and you increase the chances that they inspire others to shine and gift the best of themselves.

Make kindness and gratitude the common currency in your employees’ interaction with each other and in the way they create the customer experience. Then see how zombie employees and teams of the working dead are transformed into a vibrant, engaging community of human beings.

"Transform working dead teams into vibrant, engaged employees with kindness and gratitude"

4. Creativity. Leave standardisation and perfection to the robots and get on with the business of building your creativity muscle.

“Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.” Pablo Picasso.

See things from a new perspective. Ask questions and make uncommon connections. Experiment and be willing to suck; then learn. Indulge in dreaming up new ideas or building the new by adapting the old. Proactively find and solve problems.

Why bother? Creativity fuels innovation and protects against stagnation.

5. Curiosity. Creativity requires natural and learned curiosity. Constantly ask WHY and HOW does this work.Explore and research a topic or subject outside your area of expertise, job or profession.Leap down the rabbit hole and follow a trail of interestingness in unexpected directions. Do this often.This is not an aimless gander. You have a twin purpose an it is called Learning and Relevance.

6. Unlearn-Learn Simultaneously. Being curious alone is not enough to remain relevant. And neither is sitting and waiting patiently for the Muse to bestow the gift of creativity upon you.You need to get uncomfortable. Regularly practise mental deprogramming and reprogramming.This is what I mean.

Challenge what you know. Danger lies in staying in your comfort zone and barricading yourself in your own area of expertise or discipline. Don’t expect to find fresh ideas in your usual mental hangouts or work.

Whatever method you adopt, seek different opinions, try a different approach, go cross discipline adventuring. I found HR unexpected inspiration watching master glassblowers demonstrate their craft.Let go of commonly accepted ways of thinking and actions that no longer serve a purpose. Be willing to change your world view and learn something new and different; then adapt and/or adopt.This is not easy. Have courage! You will need the mental dexterity to maintain a dual state of constant vulnerability and confidence; decluttering and curating, simultaneous unlearning and learning.

"Danger lies in staying in your comfort zone, barricading yourself in your area of expertise "

7. Self-Discipline If you Google self-discipline you will find thousands of references. No time to lose wading through them at this moment. Let’s cut to the chase.

“If you want to be successful in both business and life, you need to learn the art of mastering yourself. Self-discipline refines your skills, focusses your attention, enhances your positive character traits, increases productivity and leads to great personal freedom and success. Sharni-Marie in Forj(m) blog.

So savvy HR thinkers and doers,

  • What are your top picks of super skills critical in an AI world? The same as my 7 or different? I’d love to learn more.

  • How do you develop these skills in yourself?

  • How do you attract and motivate employees with these skills in your organisation?

Share your thoughts in the comments.

Let’s talk about how we can be more human.